Commands - Shortcuts - Hotkeys

Command Names

/clearchat Clears the chat. Affects only you.
/fps Shows fps (frames per second) and other info: version, flying, position.
/getposition, /getpos Returns the position (in tiles) of the player. [ /getpos #username# ]
/help Show commands. [ /help #/command# ]
/hide Hides players/secrets(need edit). [ /hide #players# / #secrets# ]
/inspect When enabled, hover over a block to see who placed it. Placement history is wiped after a world is empty.
/mute Prevents the player from sending you messages in the chat. Others will still be able to see messages from the specified user. Note: /mute is local to a game session. [ /mute #username# ]
/pm Sends a private message to another player. [ /pm #username# #message# ]
/reportabuse, /report, /rep Report a player for breaking the rules. Warning: abusing this command can result in a ban for you. [ /report #playername# #reason# ]
/resetprogress, /resetp Resets your campaign progress. Only works for campaign worlds.
/roomid Returns ID of the room.
/show Shows players/secrets(need edit). [ /show #players# / #secrets# ]
/spectate, /spec Spectate another player by moving the camera to their smiley. [ /spec #username# ]
/unmute Removes the player from the muted list. [ /unmute #username# ]

Owner Command Names

/bgcolor Changes the world's background color. [ /bgcolor #hex# ] (Example: "/bgcolor #000000") (Hashtag (#) isn't necessary to type) (Use "/bgcolor none" to set default background)
/clear Clears the world.
/clearaffects, /ce Clears all effects of the specified player. [ /cleareffects #username# ]
/forcefly Turns godmode on or off for the player. [ /forcefly #username# true/false ]
/givecrown Gives the crown to the player. [ /givecrown #username# ]
/giveedit, /gedit, /ge Gives edit rights to the player. World owners always have editing rights and these cannot be changed. [ /giveedit #username# ]
/givegod Gives the player the ability to enable/disable godmode by pressing G, without edit rights. [ /givegod #username# ]
/hidelobby Hides this world in the lobby and profile, but allow other playes to join. [ /hidelobby true/false ]
/kick Kicks the player from the world. [ /kick #username# #reason# ]
/kickguests Kicks all guests from the world.
/kill Kills the player. [ /kill #username# ]
/killemall Kills all players in the world.
/listportals Returns a list of all visible and invisible portals in the world on the form: 'id,target,x,y,type'.
/loadlevel Reloads the world and respawns all players at their spawn point.
/name, /title Rename world title.
/removecrown Takes the crown from the player that currently has it.
/removeedit, /redit, /re Removes editing right from a user. World owners always have editing rights and these cannot be changed. [ /removeedit #username# ]
/removegod Removes the player's ability to enable/disable godmode by pressing G, without edit rights. [ /removegod #username# ]
/reset Resets all players.
/respawnall Respawns all players at their last touched checkpoint.
/save Saves world.
/setteam Sets the team of specified player. (Must buy team blocks to use) [ /setteam #username# #team# ]
/teleport, /tp Teleports playername to the (x,y) world coordinate (specified in tiles). If x and y are omitted, the player is teleported to the position of the command issuer. [ /teleport #username# #x# #y# ]
/visible Hides your world from the lobby and your profile. [ /visible all/anyone/true =true visibility / none/noone/nobody/false =false visibility / friends =friends only ]

Parameter Effect
%levelname% Writes the name of the level.
%username% Writes the username of the player.
%deaths% Writes the amount of deaths of the player.
%coins% Writes how many gold coins the player has.
%bcoins% Writes how many blue coins the player has.
\n Writes a new line.


M Minimap
I Inspect
G Godmode
C Interact
Shift See the chat bubbles and the names while moving.
Shift + U Hide usernames.
Shift + B Take a screenshot.
Shift + V Save minimap image.


Up / W Move up
Down / S Move down
Left / A Move left
Right / D Move right
Space Jump


1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0 The numbers correspond with the numbers in the quickbar. Clicking and holding a number adds it to the quickbar (you need to enable Block Picker in the game settings).
Left-click Place a block.
Middle-click Select blocks and add to quickbar.
Ctrl / Shift Select the erasing block in the quickbar.
Tab Open blocks tab & switch to different tabs.
Ctrl + F Search for blocks.
B Show/hide all blocks.


Shift + I Hide chat bubbles.
T / Enter Pop up the chatbar.
Tab Autocomplete a username/command.
Backspace Quickly respond to latest private message.